Probability and Mathematical physics

Welcome to "Probability and Mathematical physics – 2022"!

The conference aims to bring together the leading figures and early-career researchers in the most active fields of modern Probability and Mathematical Physics. A joint effort of the organizers from University of Helsinki and Aalto University and a top-notch international scientific advisory committee, it will be held in Helsinki on June 28th – July 7th, 2022. Note the extension of two days compared to the originally planned dates.

The conference was planned as a satellite for ICM 2022. With the latter moved online due to Russia's invasion of Ukraine, the conference will be held in parallel to the IMU General assembly, July 3rd to July 4th. Tuesday July the 5th will be reserved for the IMU Award Ceremony, and Wednesday July the 6th, for Fields and Abacus Medalists' talks. There is a separate registration for the IMU Award ceremony, handled by the IMU:

Some of the ICM invited speakers will record their ICM talks while giving them to the live audience during the conference.

A week long program will include about 45 talks of the highest quality, featuring exciting developments in the fields of probability and mathematical physics. We are planning to organize a poster session for early-career researchers and underrepresented categories, and we offer limited travel and accommodation support for the participants presenting at the poster session.

Welcome to "Probability and Mathematical physics 2022"!


Links to the videos will appear on the Programme page: to access a video, click on the corresponding name in the timetable.

Contact the organizers: