
Kansainväliset ja korkeatasoiset tutkimusryhmämme tutkivat elimistön kehitystä ja toimintaa, vuorovaikutuksia mikrobien kanssa sekä eläinten ja ihmisten sairauksia. Tutkimuksemme on monialaista ja poikkitieteellistä.
Eläinlääketieteelliset biotieteet – tutkimusryhmät

Tutkimusosastossa kokonaan tai osittain toimivat tutkimusryhmät aakkosjärjestyksessä.

Kansainvälisen tutkimuksen kieli on englanti, joten tutkimusryhmien sivustot ovat yleensä englanninkielisiä.


Can­ine Mod­els of Hu­man Disease
Group leader: Hannes Lohi
Research in our group focuses on the canine genetic research. The unique population history and breed structure of dogs make them great candidates for genetic research.

Canine Genetic Studies
Group leader: Hannes Lohi
The canine genetic research is done at the University of Helsinki and at Folkhälsan Research Center.
The aim of our research is to identify genetic abnormalities leading to different hereditary diseases, as well as other breed-specific traits, to develop genetic tests for purposes of breeding, and to use the gained knowledge in the study of human diseases. A new genetic discovery opens up possibilities for the better understanding of disease mechanisms and helps us to improve diagnostic methods, treatments and drug development.


Developmental Interactions
Group leaders: Mikael Niku and Antti Iivanainen

Development is regulated by various interactive processes in the immature body, including interactions with the maternal microbiota. Our research focuses on development of two important body systems:
the intestinal immune system and the musculoskeletal system.


Emerging Infections
Group leader: Tarja Sironen

The newly established Emerging Infections Research group at University of Helsinki is led by Associate Professor Tarja Sironen. Our research focuses on emerging infectious diseases in human and animals. The aim of our research group is to accelerate biomedical research on emerging infections and build preparedness for emerging infectious diseases in the future.


Synaptic Plasticity and Neuronal Synchronization
Group leader: Tomi Taira

Our aims are to understand how synaptic networks are fine-tuned by homeostatic and Hebbian mechanisms during the development, and how are these processes associated with the emergent network properties (e.g. synchronous oscillations, network dynamics and criticality) in the brain. We are interested in the roles of developmentally expressed kainate-type glutamate receptors (KARs) critical for synaptic plasticity, axonal development and neuronal synchrony early in development.


Viral Zoonoses
Group leader: Olli Vapalahti
Myös suomeksi / also in Finnish:
Viral Zoonoses: Uusien pa­to­gee­nien met­säs­tys
Hunt­ing emer­ging pathogens
The multidisclipinary viral zoonoses research unit at University of Helsinki is led by Professor Olli Vapalahti. Our research focuses on emerging and re-emerging infections – particularly viral zoonoses, including arboviruses. We study their evolution, epidemiology, diagnostics, ecology and host-virus interactions from molecular to population level.