Together for the benefit of patients

We are here – together – to improve human health

Our collaboration is founded on science and education. Thanks to research of a high standard, we learn to understand the causes underlying diseases, develop new techniques for identifying diseases, as well as discover and provide better therapies for our patients. The latest research-based knowledge also lays the groundwork for educating future generations of top-level specialists in healthcare.

We make up Finland’s most specialised and, in terms of educational offerings, broad-based unit in medical science. Our partnership and the legacy of Helsinki University Hospital go back as far as the early 19th century. Along the journey, we have actively endeavoured to reform proactive healthcare, advance patient care, guarantee patient safety and comprehensively improve the quality of life of individuals.

While Finnish medical research and care are already at the top level globally, we maintain our commitment to development. Research and teaching carried out today result in better care and health tomorrow.

This is why the University of Helsinki and Helsinki University Hospital work together.