
Please note: If your scientific contribution has not been included in the program, then you have been wait-listed. The conference has a strict 100 participant limit. This applies to the general audience as well.

Please see the "Registration and Conference Dinner" tab for more details or e-mail the LOC at .

Here is the participant list.

The oral and poster programs may be downloaded in short format here: oral , poster

The oral and poster programs with abstracts included may be downloaded here: oral + abstracts , poster + abstracts

Maximum poster dimensions are 115 X 95 cm (portrait orientation).

Talks are 15 minutes + 5 minutes question/transition time.

To enable rapid transitions between talks, we request that speakers store their talks on USB sticks or e-mail them to so that they can be uploaded to the central PC. The main presentation computer runs a Windows operating system. We undertsand that some speakers may use Mac or Linux operating systems. In these cases, one's own laptop may be used at one's own risk. (A Mac adaptor is available.) Speakers will have the opportunity to test their presentations ~15 minutes before the first session each day, during coffee breaks, or just before the afternoon sessions (last ~15 minutes of lunch). In all cases, we strongly advise having a back-up of the presentation saved as a .pdf.

The conference reception will take place on Monday, 3 June 2019 at 18:00 in the Faculty Lounge of the University of Helsinki Main Building. Refreshments are kindly provided by the University of Helsinki.

The conference dinner will take place on Tuesday, 4 June 2019 at 19:00 at Ravintola Sipuli, near the conference venue.

A public outreach event will take place on Thursday, 6 June from 18:30-20:00 on the main stage of the newly-opened Helsinki Think Corner, located across the street from the main conference venue. While the event is open to the general public, conference participants are encouraged to attend! Here is a link to the facebook event.