CALLIOPE International Conference

SPEAKING AS THE ‘OTHER’: Coloniality, Subalternity, and Embodied Political Articulations (late 18th – early 20th centuries)

Welcome to the homepage of the conference Speaking as the 'Other' organised by the ERC-funded project CALLIOPE: Vocal Articulations of Parliamentary Identity and Empire at the University of Helsinki. This multidisciplinary conference seeks to examine performative, embodied and acoustic histories of articulating political representation and colonial ‘otherness’. To that end, we intend to extend the focus of the conference beyond established Anglophone analyses of the metropole and colony, and indeed, beyond the disciplinary pre-eminence of Anglophone postcolonial studies.

Click here to watch the welcome address on Unitube!

Dates and venue

The conference will be held ONLINE on 10-12 May 2021. For registration, please find further information here.

Confirmed key­note speak­ers

Spe­cial ses­sion

Le Thinnai Kreyol: Ari Gautier in conversation with Ananya Jahanara Kabir

Mu­sical in­ter­mezzo

Sergio Andrés Castrillón A. (University of Helsinki)


The CALLIOPE Team, Department of Cultures, University of Helsinki. Read more on the CALLIOPE Website. Contact the CALLIOPE Conference Team:


Our sincere gratitude goes out to everyone who has made this conference possible:

Our conference’s sponsor, the European Research Council, funding the CALLIOPE-project through Josephine Hoegaerts’ ERC Starting Grant. The CALLIOPE-team members, hosted by the University of Helsinki’s Faculty of Arts, Department of Cultures, are:

  • Josephine Hoegaerts (Principal Investigator, Associate Professor of European Studies)
  • Esha Sil (Postdoctoral researcher, lead organizer of the conference along with Karen Lauwers)
  • Karen Lauwers (Postdoctoral researcher, lead organizer of the conference along with Esha Sil)
  • Ludovic Marionneau (PhD candidate)
  • Liesl Yamaguchi (Assistant Professor, Fulbright Finland Foundation Fellow and Visiting Researcher with CALLIOPE for the 2020-2021 academic year)
  • Monique Horstmann (CALLIOPE project coordinator and web designer)
  • The scientific committee i.e. the CALLIOPE-team, with the kind help of Friederike Lüpke (Professor of African Studies at the University of Helsinki’s Department of Languages and Research Associate at SOAS, University of London) and Xenia Zeiler (Associate Professor of South Asian Studies at the University of Helsinki’s Department of Cultures)
  • Our keynote speakers, special sessions’ contributors, panelists and chairs
  • The University of Helsinki’s Conference Team and in particular conference specialist and online conference assistants’ trainer Päivi Tauriainen
  • The Faculty of Arts’ Service Coordinator, Jussi Piekkala
  • The conference assistants and panel facilitators:
    • Essi Äijälä
    • Elmo Holopainen
    • Eveliina Karttunen
    • Riina Niemi
    • Henrik Seppänen
    • Samuli Tyyskä
    • Mika Vuorihuhta


Cover image: “Touring music and dance company in Batavia,” c. 1870, photograph by Isidore van Kinsbergen, from KITLV