
PEDIA-tutkimusryhmän johtaja

helsinki.fi/fi/uutiset/yliopisto/10-helsingin-yliopiston-tutkijaa-maailman-siteeratuimpien-joukossa-omilla-aloillaan">professori Mikael Knip maailman siteeratuimpien tutkijoiden joukossa

Professori Knip on Highly Cited Researchers 2021 -listalla maailman siteeratuimpien tutkijoiden joukossa omalla alallaan. Lista kertoo, kenen työhön muut tutkijat ovat viitanneet eniten. Vuosittain julkaistava Highly Cited Researchers -lista kertoo, kenen työhön muut tutkijat ovat viitanneet eniten edellisen kymmenen vuoden aikana eli 2010–2020. Lista kootaan Web of Science -indeksointi- ja hakupalvelusta. Se sisältää vertaisarvioituja julkaistuja tutkimuksia erityisesti luonnontieteistä ja lääketieteestä.

Alla olevat uusimmat julkaisut -listaus sisältää professori Mikael Knipin julkaisut. Valikoidut julkaisut sisältää PEDIA-ryhmän tärkeimpiä julkaisuja vuodesta 2014 lähtien. Väitöksissä on PEDIA-ryhmässä tehtyjä väitöskirjoja, joissa on ollut ohjaajana Professori Mikael Knipin ja/tai Professori Outi Vaarala.

Uusimmat julkaisut
Valikoidut julkaisut

Effect of Hydrolyzed Infant Formula vs Conventional Formula on Risk of Type 1 Diabetes: The TRIGR Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA 2018; 319: 38-48.

Avoidance of Cow's Milk-Based Formula for At-Risk Infants Does Not Reduce Development of Celiac Disease: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Gastroenterology 2017; 153: 961-970.

Detection of enteroviruses in stools precedes islet autoimmunity by several months: possible evidence for slowly operating mechanisms in virus-induced autoimmunity. Diabetologia 2017; 60: 424-431.

Intestinal virome changes precede autoimmunity in type I diabetes-susceptible children. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2017; 114: E6166-E6175.

Characterisation of rapid progressors to type 1 diabetes among children with HLA-conferred disease susceptibility. Diabetologia 2017; 60: 1284-1293.

Fatty acid status in infancy is associated with the risk of type 1 diabetes-associated autoimmunity. Diabetologia 2017; 60: 1223-1233.

Circulating CXCR5+PD-1+ICOS+ Follicular T Helper Cells Are Increased Close to the Diagnosis of Type 1 Diabetes in Children With Multiple Autoantibodies. Diabetes 2017: 66: 437-447.

Natural history of the infant gut microbiome and impact of antibiotic treatments on strain-level diversity and stability. Sci Transl Med 2016; 8: 343ra81.

Increased circulating concentrations of mesencephalic astrocyte-derived neurotrophic factor in children with type 1 diabetes. Sci Rep 2016;6: 29058.

Variation in Microbiome LPS Immunogenicity Contributes to Autoimmunity in Humans. Cell 2016; 165: 1551.

The role of the intestinal microbiota in type 1 diabetes mellitus. Nature Rev Endocrinol 2016; 12: 154-167.

ConStrains identifies microbial strains in metagenomic datasets. Nat Biotechnol 2015; 33: 1045-1052.

Oral glucose tolerance test and random plasma glucose in prediction of type 1 diabetes. Diabetologia 2015; 58: 1787-1796.

Serum Proteomes Distinguish Children Developing Type 1 Diabetes in a Cohort With HLA-Conferred Susceptibility. Diabetes 2015; 64: 2265-2278. 

HbA1c Predicts Time to Diagnosis of Type 1 Diabetes in Children at Risk. Diabetes 2015; 64: 1719-1727.

The dynamics of the human infant gut microbiome in development and in progression toward type 1 diabetes. Cell Host & Microbe 2015; 17: 260-273.

Th1/Th17 plasticity is a marker of advanced β cell autoimmunity and impaired glucose tolerance in humans. J Immunol 2015 Jan 1; 194:68-75.

Microbial exposures in infancy and subsequent appearance of type 1 diabetes-associated autoantibodies: a cohort study. JAMA Pediatrics 2014; 168: 755-763.

Hydrolyzed Infant Formula and Early β-Cell Autoimmunity - A Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA 2014; 311: 2279-2287.

Innate immune activity is detected prior to seroconversion in children with HLA-conferred type 1 diabetes susceptibility. Diabetes 2014; 63: 2402-2414.

Coxsackievirus B1 is associated with induction of β-cell autoimmunity that portends type 1 diabetes. Diabetes 2014; 63: 446-455.



Sex, family history, and seasonal variation in relation to the phenotype and genotype at diagnosis of type 1 diabetes. Maaret Turtinen 2021.

The Effects of Environmental and Dietary Factors on the Development of the Immune System in Children at Genetic Risk of Type 1 Diabetes. Terhi Ruohtula 2021. 

Early-life infections, medications, and atopic sensitization in the development of immune-mediated diseases in Finland, Estonia, and Russian Karelia. Neea Mustonen 2020. 

Dynamics of the disease process leading to type 1 diabetes in children with HLA-conferred disease susceptibility. Petra Pöllänen 2020. 

Studies on immune regulation in the development of human type 1 diabetes. Linnea Hartwall 2020.

HLA and non-HLA genes and familiar predisposition to autoimmune diseases in families with a child affected by type 1 diabetes. Anna Parkkola 2018.

Humoral beta-cell autoimmunity, AGER gene polymorphism, and circulating soluble RAGE in pre-clinical and clinical type 1 diabetes. Kirsi Salonen 2016.

Intrauterine and postnatal growth in children with HLA-conferred susceptibility to type 1 diabetes. Aleksander Peet 2015.

The Development of Immune Responses and Allergy in Children from Farming and Non-farming Environments. Laura Orivuori 2015.

Studies on Antigen-Presenting Cells in Type 1 Diabetes and Crohn's Disease - with Special Emphasis on Dendritic Cells. Janne K. Nieminen 2013.

Studies of Immune Regulation in Type 1 Diabetes. Jarno Honkanen 2010.

The development of immune responses and gut microbiota in children at genetic risk of type 1 diabetes. Kristiina Luopajärvi 2010.

Assessment of Risk for Type 1 Diabetes in Children of Affected Families and in the General Population: Role of Immunological and Metabolic Markers. Heli Siljander 2010.