
Artikkelit, kirjat ja esitykset.


Pyy, I. & Leiviskä, A. (2023, forthcoming) The impact of negative political emotions on human rights education: an asylum seekers’ school visit ban. In A.Osler & B. Goldschmidt-Gjerløw (Eds.), Nordic Perspectives on Human Rights Education: Developing Theory and Practice for Social Justice. Routledge.

Kasa, T. & Toivanen, R. (2023, forthcoming). Ihmisoikeuskasvatuksen tietämättömyyden historiasta kohti ihmisoikeuksia reflektoivaa kasvatusta. Kasvatus & Aika.

Leiviskä, A. (2022, forthcoming) Truth, moral rightness, and justification: a Habermasian perspective on decolonizing the university. Educational Theory.

Leiviskä, A. & Martin, C. (2022, forthcoming) Dilemmas of Liberal Authority: On the Necessity of a Structural Approach to Liberal Democratic Education. In J. Culp, I. de Groot, J. Drerup, A. Schinkel, & D. Yacek (Eds.), Liberal Democratic Education: A Paradigm in Crisis. Mentis verlag.

Kasa, T., Brunila, K., & Toivanen, R. (2023). Reproducing inequality through ambivalence, ignorance, and innocence - Revisiting practices of equality and human rights in Finnish teacher education. Educational Reviewhttps://doi.org/10.1080/00131911.2022.2151572

Kannisto, T. (2022) Basic education as a collective good – in defence of the school as a public social institution. Journal of Philosophy of Education. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/1467-9752.12650

Kasa, T. (2022) Kriittisen ihmisoikeuskasvatuksen potentiaali Suomessa [The potential of critical human rights education in Finland]. Teoksessa M. Rautiainen, M. Hiljanen, & P. Männistö (Toim.), Lupaus paremmasta - Demokratia ja koulu Suomessa [Promise of better - Democracy and school in Finland] (109-139). Into kustannus.

Kasa, T., Karilainen, L. M., Rajala, A., Cantell, H., & Kallioniemi, A. (2022). Finnish UNESCO school educators’ understanding of global citizenship education: Analysis through typologies, ecosocial understanding, and human rights. Prospects: Quarterly Review of Comparative Education (UNESCO)https://doi.org/10.1007/s11125-021-09597-z

Salmenkivi, E., Kasa, T., Putkonen, N., & Kallioniemi, A. (2022) Human rights and children’s rights in worldview education in Finland. Human Rights Education Review, 5(1), 47-69. https://doi.org/10.7577/hrer.4456

Leiviskä, A. (2021) Demokratia, kasvatus ja inkluusion haaste: Demokratiakasvatuksen teorian uudelleenarviointia rakenteellisen eriarvoisuuden näkökulmasta. Kasvatus & Aika, 15(3–4), 10–27. https://doi.org/10.33350/ka.107684

Pyy, I. (2021). Developing political compassion through narrative imagination in human rights education. Human Rights Education Review, 4(3), 24-44. https://doi.org/10.7577/hrer.4482

Kasa, T., Rautiainen, M., Malama, M., & Kallioniemi, A. (2021). ‘Human rights and democracy are not self-evident’: Finnish student teachers’ perceptions on democracy and human rights education. Human Rights Education Review, 4(2), 69–84. https://doi.org/10.7577/hrer.3937

Leiviskä, A. & Pyy, I. (2021) The Unproductiveness of Political Conflict in Education: A Nussbaumian Alternative to Agonistic Citizenship Education. Journal of Philosophy of Education, 55(4-5), 577– 588. https://doi.org/10.1111/1467-9752.12512

Leiviskä, A. (2021) A Discourse Theoretical Model for Determining the Limits of Free Speech on Campus. Educational Philosophy and Theory, 53(11), 1171-1182. https://doi.org/10.1080/00131857.2020.1814256

Leiviskä, A. (2020) Toleration, Liberal Democracy and the Problem of Intolerant Doctrines: The Example of Right-Wing Populism. In J. Drerup and G. Schweiger (eds.) Toleration and the Challenges to Liberalism. New York & London: Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003015123

Leiviskä, A. (2020) Disruptive or Deliberative Democracy? A Review of Biesta’s Critique of Deliberative Models of Democracy and Democratic Education. Ethics and Education 15(4), 499–515. https://doi.org/10.1080/17449642.2020.1822611

Leiviskä, A. (2020) The Role of Immigrant Students in the Nordic Countries. In T. Strand (ed.) Here and Now: Rethinking Ethical-Political Education. Basel: Springer, 121–135. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-49524-4_8

Pyy, I., Leiviskä, A., & Mansikka, J-E. (2020) Contesting the Politics of Negative Emotions in Educational Policymaking: A Ban on Asylum Seekers’ School Visits in Finland. Global Discourse 10(2-3), 371-390. https://doi.org/10.1332/204378920X15802968112372

Leiviskä, A. (2018) The Issue of ‘Radical Otherness’ in Contemporary Theories of Democracy and Citizenship Education. Journal of Philosophy of Education 52(3), 498–514. https://doi.org/10.1111/1467-9752.12338


Pyy, I. (2022). Evolving emotions: The relevance of Martha Nussbaum's theory of political emotions in education. (Helsinki Studies in Education ed.). University of Helsinki. http://urn.fi/URN:ISBN:978-951-51-8122-0


Kasa, T., Kylänpää, V., Toivanen, R., Pyy, I. & Lampinen, J. (2022). Symposium: Ihmisoikeuskasvatus moniäänisessä yhteiskunnassa: Ihmisoikeudet osana kestävyyttä ja tukena moniäänisyyden kunnioittamisessa. Organizing a symposium on human rights education. Finnish Educational Research Association Conference (FERA), University of Oulu, Finland.

Kasa, T. (2022). Moral and Legal Perspectives in Human Rights Education: Countering Dehumanization through Moral and Legal Imagination. AME 2022 Conference: Moral Development and Moral Education in Global Transition. Manchester Metropolitan University, England.

Kasa, T. (2022). Symposium: Analysing the places and spaces for human rights in formal education: Comparing Icelandic and Finnish perspectives. Nordic Educational Research Association (NERA) conference, University of Iceland, Iceland.

Pyy, I., & Leiviskä, A. (2022). Challenging the politics of negative emotions in educational policy-making. Paper presented at Helsinki conference on emotions, populism, and polarization, Helsinki, Finland.

Kasa, T. & Leiviskä, A. (2022). Human Rights Education and Political Violence: Addressing Dehumanization and Social Injustices in Education. Eurostorie Centre of Excellence conference Historical, Philosophical and Theological Perspectives on Political Violence, Helsinki, Finland.

Pyy, I. (2022). Developing political compassion through narrative imagination in human rights education. Invited speech at World Education Research Association International Research Network on Human Rights Education Webinar Series 2022.

Pyy, I. (2021). Martha Nussbaum’s political philosophy and the theory and practice of citizenship education in the era of global crises. Paper presented at Kaleidoscope 2021 conference (18th annual conference at the Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge), Cambridge, United Kingdom.

Kasa, T. (2021) "Erinomaisuuden" ambivalenssit opettajankoulutuksessa - Historiallinen ja diskursiivinen luenta tasa-arvosta, yhdenvertaisuudesta ja ihmisoikeuksista opettajankoulutuksessa Suomessa. Paper presented at FERA Conference, Jyväskylä, Finland.

Kasa, T. & Kallioniemi, A. (2021) Reimagining human rights education. Democratic education needs imagination (DENI) conference. University of São Paulo, Brazil. E-conference organised by The Auschwitz Institute for the Prevention of Genocide and Mass Atrocities (AIPG) and Protection Approaches.

Leiviskä, A. (2020) Truth, rightness and educational research: discussing the relevance of Habermas’ concepts of truth and rightness in the context of the “post-truth condition”. The Canadian Philosophy of Education Seminar Series. Symposium: The Ethics of Democratic Discourse and Educational Justice. University of British Columbia, Canada.

Leiviskä, A. (2020) Truth, rightness and educational research: discussing the relevance of Habermas’ concepts of truth and rightness in the context of the “post-truth condition”. Paper presented at the PESGB London Branch research webinar. London, UK.

Pyy, I., & Leiviskä, A. (2020). Demokraattinen kansalaiskasvatus globaalien kriisien aikakaudella: tarkastelussa poliittiset tunteet, poliittinen polarisaatio ja konflikti. Paper presented at FERA Conference, Helsinki, Finland.


Leiviskä, A. (2022). Demokratiakasvatus ehkäisee polarisaatiota. Kansalaisyhteskunta -verkkolehti. Kansalaisfoorumi. https://kansalaisyhteiskunta.fi/verkkolehti/demokratiakasvatus-ehkaisee-polarisaatiota/

Lapsen oikeuksien koulutuskokonaisuus eOppivan sivuilla (Tuija Kasa ollut tuottamassa 2022 osana kansallista lapsistrategiaa): https://www.eoppiva.fi/kokoelmat/lapsen-oikeudet/