Teaching practice

Helsinki Normal Lyceum is a teacher training school of the Faculty of Education of the University of Helsinki. Our school conducts teacher training for class, subject and special needs teacher trainees.
Teaching practice at the Helsinki Normal Lyceum

Teaching practice is part of the studies of students pursuing the qualifications of subject teacher, special needs teacher or class teacher at the University of Helsinki. The Helsinki Normal Lyceum Norssi is one of the two teacher training schools of the University of Helsinki. Supervision is provided to students pursuing the qualifications of subject teacher, special needs teacher and class teacher. Students plan teaching, give lessons, take part in feedback discussions and receive guidance for their future in the teaching profession.

Student teachers are encouraged to employ and experiment with different teaching methods, support and encourage learning, take a spectrum of learners into consideration, as well as obtain appropriate qualifications for carrying out and developing in assessment.

Teaching practice for class teachers

Teaching practice is practical training included in the pedagogical studies for teachers, the purpose of which being to develop and deepen student teachers’ professional growth and understanding of the value base ​​and curricula in teaching. To achieve this, student teachers practise the various duties included in the class teacher’s job and observe the pupils and the teaching-studying-learning process in a supervised setting. In teaching practice, theory and practice interact: student teachers apply the theories of educational sciences or educational psychology and their multidisciplinary studies to practice, but they also conceptualise practice. The development of their own theories-of-use and pedagogical thinking is supported through both communal and individual working methods. Teaching practice is supervised, and student teachers are expected to increase their self-direction gradually as they proceed in their theoretical studies. In basic and intermediate studies, students become acquainted with the school world, different learning environments and the construction of interaction. They then move on to subject-specific and integrated studies on their journey towards a holistic teacher’s role.


After completing the practice, student teachers will

  • Understand the pupil perspective and class interaction and be familiar with practical schoolwork.
  • Be able to set objectives for teaching units, implement them using different teaching methods (including drama) and assess them, and understand what knowledge and skills the unit requires.
  • Understand the premises of different disciplines when making didactic solutions in specific subjects.
  • Be able to make use of different learning environments and implement interdisciplinary learning modules in their education and teaching.
  • Understand the basics of discipline-based integration and phenomenon-based learning and be able to apply them in collaboration with other teachers.
  • Identify different types of learners with the help of their supervisor and be familiar with different forms of support.
  • Be able to work in co-teaching teams and cooperate in practical schoolwork.


After completing the practice, student teachers will

  • Be able to plan, implement and assess the teaching and class activities of full school days.
  • Understand the ethical considerations of the class teacher’s profession and the diverse nature and social significance of education and teaching.
  • Understand the importance of schools to their local communities.
  • Understand the role of the school as a leadership, development and cooperation forum and a learning organisation.
  • Be able to analyse their role as a teacher through theory and practice and act as a co-teacher.
  • Identify different types of learners and be familiar with different forms of support.
Teaching practice for subject teachers

Students learn the professional practices of subject teachers, strengthen their proficiency in the subject and practise the supervision of learning in comprehensive school and general upper secondary school. Students observe predetermined plans, schedules and ethics guidelines. Teaching practice is full-time studying.

When planning their teaching, student teachers take into consideration the age and initial level of their pupils and students, as well as the group composition. They study the use of diverse teaching methods and technical solutions in their teaching. Students utilise previously acquired knowledge in theories relevant to teaching and justify their pedagogical choices on the basis of research. Students reflect on their personal actions throughout the training.

Supervised basic teaching practice includes following lessons, planning and giving practice lessons, participating in feedback discussions, attending group supervision for the relevant teaching subjects and completing the Koulu yhteisönä (‘School as a community’) module.

In advanced teaching practice, student teachers further advance their teaching skills and implement teaching more independently compared to basic teaching practice. In advanced teaching practice, students learn to utilise various teaching practices even more flexibly and diversely, as well as take various learners into consideration.

Students learn a range of assessment methods and how to use assessment in a diverse manner. Teaching practice involves collaboration with pupils, students, supervisors, other student teachers and the school staff. Students also practise collaboration between school and home.

Teaching practice for special needs teachers

In special needs teaching practice, student teachers observe and learn special needs teachers’ working methods and practice offering guidance and support for learning in both mainstream and special needs education in comprehensive school and general upper secondary school. Student teachers observe predetermined plans, schedules and ethics guidelines. Teaching practice is conducted on a full-time basis. Basic teaching practice is carried out in primary and lower secondary school and in general upper secondary school. It consists of two periods of approximately four weeks each. One of the periods takes place in primary school and the other in lower secondary school. Student teachers observe teaching, studying and support for learning in mainstream and special needs education.

Professional development through teaching practice is a process that proceeds flexibly at an individual pace. During the process, student teachers practice assessing their teaching expertise, their activities during the practice and the results of their work in various ways using the theoretical knowledge acquired through their special pedagogy studies and the work experience acquired through their teaching practice.

Student teachers are guided to plan, implement and assess the teaching-studying-learning process, develop professionally and learn about the school as a community and as part of society. The teaching practice for special needs teachers takes place at the same time as the teaching practice for subject and class teachers. Student teachers in special needs teacher training plan and implement two classes together with a student teacher in class teacher or subject teacher training (co-teaching).

Student teachers learn to use various teaching and guidance methods in a flexible and versatile manner. When planning their teaching, they take into consideration the support needs, age and initial level of their pupils and students, as well as the group composition. They utilise previously acquired knowledge in theories relevant to teaching and justify their pedagogical choices on the basis of research. They also acquaint themselves with the special needs of their pupils and students and learn how to meet these needs in mainstream and special needs education. Student teachers are able to identify the individual support needs related to studying and aim to use working methods, teaching materials and teaching aids that comprehensively support education and rehabilitation. They learn to assess the outcomes of both support measures and learning and to plan school support measures in the longer term. They also reflect on their activities throughout the teaching practice.

During teaching practice, student teachers gain a deeper understanding of the teaching and education culture of their training school, practical teaching and education work, cooperative networks, and pupil and student welfare services. They also learn about cooperation between home and school. They become familiar with rehabilitation and learning plans for groups and individuals and actively take part in the teaching and rehabilitation of their teaching group or an individual pupil or student under the tutelage of their supervisor. During their teaching practice, under supervision and based on the information available, student teachers draw up a teaching plan for either a group or an individual, a proposal for implementing the plan and a proposal for the assessment of the outcomes of the planned measures.

In teaching practice, student teachers observe lessons, give practice lessons, participate in feedback discussions, attend group supervision for special needs education and complete the Koulu yhteisönä (‘School as a community’) module. Teaching practice involves collaboration with pupils, students, supervising teachers, other student teachers and the school staff.