
Ubiquitous interaction is a multidisciplinary group members come from dfferent disciplines including computer science, engineering, industrial desgn, cognitive science , psychology and more.
Professor Dr Giulio Jacucci


Prof. Dr. Giulio Jacucci is Professor at the Department of Computer Science at the University of Helsinki. He has been Professor at the Aalto University, Department of Design 2009-2010. His research field and competencies are in human-computer interaction in particular : multimodal interaction, interactive intent modelling, mixed reality providing innovation for applications in information discovery and wellbeing. He is co-founder of Etsimo Healthcare ltd offering a platform leveraging AI  on top of health data, making it possible for healthcare providers to instantly offer their customers preventive healthcare. He co-authored two patents in the area of information seeking and on modular screens. 

Dr Mikko Kytö

I generate new knowledge by studying emergent technologies in the field of human-computer interaction. I have background in researching visual perception and multimodal interaction techniques for augmented and virtual reality. For the last five years, I have studied wellbeing and health area from different perspectives: augmenting social face-to-face interactions with digital media, supporting stroke survivors with tangible interfaces, designing behavior change app for women with gestational diabetes, and studying time perception in virtual reality for mental health.

Chen He

I am a PhD candidate researching on the design and evaluation of interactive visualizations to support insights. I designed visualizations that expose data uncertainties, such as missing data and data inconsistencies from multiple sources, and support user exploration and sharing of insights with each other. Recently, the research question I am investigating is how types of interactions link to the qualities of insights or user personality traits using some machine learning techniques. Personal website:

Imtiaj Ahmed

As a Human Computer Interaction researcher, my focus is on augmenting affective interaction in VR with haptics and multimodal interaction techniques. My research interests are virtual/mixed reality, affective computing, ubiquitous computing, physiological computing, haptics, sensing systems, embedded systems. I enjoy building haptic devices and integrate with the VR system along with sensing devices, for instances, Kinect, LeapMotion, Eye tracker, for the development of the research platform. Beyond the listed research interests, I enjoy being part of the research work where engineering and science meet together.