
Transplantation Laboratory has been organising Principles of organ transplantation course every other year from 2005 onwards for medical students, nurses, and registrars.

The lecturers are from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Helsinki; Finnish Red Cross Blood Service; and Helsinki University Hospital.

The main topics of the course are:

  • transplantation immunology
  • tissue typing
  • infectious disease
  • pathology
  • pediatric and adult clinical solid organ transplantation
  • organ donation
  • law concerning organ donation and transplantation

Next course will be organised late spring 2018. Find here the program of the Principles of organ transplantation 2016 course in Finnish.

A list of Finnish textbooks handling transplantation immunology and surgery:

  • Renkonen R, Lemström K, Mäkisalo H. Organ and tissue transplantation, In the textbook of Immunology: microbiology, immunology, and infectious diseases (In Finnish: Elin- ja kudossiirrot, Immunologia: mikrobiologia, immunologia ja infektiosairaudet). Duodecim, Helsinki, Finland, 2011, pp 394-400.
  • Koskinen PK, Lemström KB. Immunosuppressive Drugs. In the textbook of Clinical Pharmacology and Drug Therapy. (In Finnish: Immunosuppressiiviset lääkeaineet, Kliininen farmakologia ja lääkehoito). Kandidaattikustannus oy/Lääketieteen kandisaattiseura Ry, Helsinki, Finland, 2011, pp 691-704.
  • Lemström K, Lommi J. Heart failure – surgical treatment and heart transplantation. In the textbook of Cardiology (In Finnish: Sydämen vajaatoiminnan kirurginen hoito ja sydämensiirto), Duodecim, 2016, pp 751-766.
  • Lemström K. Heart transplantation and mechanical circulatory support and lung and heart-lung transplantation. In the textbook of Surgery. In Finnish: Sydänsiirrot ja sydämen mekaaninen tukihoito ja keuhkonsiirrot ja sydän- ja keuhkosiirrot. Kirurgia, Duodecim, Helsinki, 2016, in press.