People and contacts

MegaSense and it's research background is multidisciplinary and we all work at the University of Helsinki.

Below you will find contact information and detailed profiles of our team members. The University of Helsinki has supported the activity with a team of coordinators for establishing a global contact network.

Social Media:

- MegaSense Twitter: @mega_sense or #megasense

- HOPE Project Twitter: @UIA_HOPE or #UIAHOPE


Project Leader Sasu Tarkoma

Coordinator Maria Linkoaho-Nordling

Sasu Tarkoma

Sasu Tarkoma is a professor of Computer Science and Head of the Department of Computer Science. Sasu has been exemplary in promoting collaboration between the University of Helsinki and corporate world.

"It’s a joy to collaborate with the industries nationally and internationally. I believe that it’s a win-win for both parties, both the university and corporations. The secret to success is good teamwork, and I have had fortune to work with good teams"


Researcher profile

Any­thing is pos­sible for this In­ter­net of Things wiz­ard – even se­cure open sci­ence

Read more: A professor who can turn a research project into a startup or an app with nearly a million users

Markku Kulmala

Academy Professor Markku Kulmala is the world's top scientist in aerosol research and a well-known scientist in the field of geosciences. He is the director of the Centre of Excellence in Atmospheric Science at the University of Helsinki.

"It is necessary to measure almost all from the atmospheres around the globe and also about at the 1000 km intervals from the surface of the Earth. This will help to find out what should be done, for example, to resolve air quality in China and combating the climate change."


Researcher profile

We need one global net­work of 1000 sta­tions to build an Earth ob­ser­vat­ory

Read more: Global SMEAR network

Petri Pellikka

Professor Petri Pellikka currently works at the Department of Geosciences and Geography. Petri does research in Geoinformatics (GIS), Hyperspectral imaging, Remote Sensing and Biogeography.

"My research field is global and the past few years I have done research mainly in Kenya and China, says Petri."


Researcher profile

Steering Group Members

Tuuli Toivonen - Professor, AQ

Kai Puolamäki - Associate Professor, AQ and CS

Tuukka Petäjä - Professor, AQ

Multinational research team working on environmental sensing

Petteri Nurmi - Associate Professor, SPARK and 5G

Samu Varjonen - Senior Researcher, Kumpula Campus PoC and 5G

Eemil Lagerspetz - Senior Researcher,  SPARK and 5G

Joni Kujansuu - Principal Investigator, AQ

Tareq Hussein - Professor, AQ

Martha Zaidan - Researcher, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Gulio Jacucci - Professor, Augmented reality

Ashwin Rao - Senior Researcher, 5G

Francesco Concas - PhD student, Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning

Salla Sillanpää - PhD Student and UIA-HOPE Coordinator

Andrew Rebeiro-Hargrave - Senior Researcher and Business Finland MegaSense SmartCity and Urban Sense Coordinator

Kasimir Aula - PhD student,  Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning

Brandon Startz - Masters Student, Public outreach and User Experience Design

Jonatan Hamberg - Masters Student, MegaSense platform designer

Naser Motlagh - Postdoc Researcher, Air Quality Monitoring

Project Support team

Strong supporting services from the University Research Services e.g. project management, legal services and business develoment services.
