
Our latest publications:

Benjamin, S., Koirikivi, P., Gearon, L. & Kuusisto, A. 2022. Addressing hostile attitudes in and through education – Transformative ideas from Finnish youth. Youth, 2(4), 556–569.

Benjamin, S., Koirikivi, P. & Kuusisto, A. 2022. [Adversity and challenges on young people's life-paths. Perspectives on resilience in the light of the theory of sustainable wellbeing]. Nuorten elämänkulun haasteita ja vastoinkäymisiä. Näkökulmia resilienssiin kestävän hyvinvoinnin teorian valossa. Nuorisotutkimus, 40(3), 59–76.

Benjamin, S., Koirikivi, P., Gearon, L. & Kuusisto, A. 2022. States of Mind: Peace Education and Preventing Violent Extremism. In Aslan, E. (ed.). Peace Education and Religions. 285–304. Springer VS, Wiesbaden.

Koirikivi, P., Benjamin, S., Hietajärvi, L., Kuusisto, A., Gearon, L. 2021. Resourcing Resilience: Educational Considerations for Supporting Wellbeing and Preventing Violent Extremism amongst Finnish Youth. International Journal of Adolescence and Youth, 26(1), 553-569.

Koirikivi, P., Benjamin, S., Kuusisto, & A., Gearon, L. 2021. Values, Lifestyles, and Narratives of Prejudices amongst Finnish Youth. Journal of Beliefs and Values. E-pub ahead of print. DOI: 10.1080/13617672.2021.2010266

Benjamin, S. 2021. Extremism and extremist ideologies interest young people [in Finnish]. Kleio, 3. The Association for Teachers of History and Social Studies in Finland.

Benjamin, S., Salonen, V., Gearon, L., Koirikivi, P. & Kuusisto, A. 2021. Safe space, dangerous territory: young people’s views on preventing radicalization through education – Perspectives for pre-service teacher education. Education Sciences. 11(5), 205.

Benjamin, S. & Vallinkoski, K. 2021. Worried about radicalization? Guidebook for youth work professionals. [in Finnish]. Fokus ry.

Vallinkoski, K., Koirikivi, P., & Malkki, L. 2021. “What is this ISIS all about?” Addressing violent extremism with students: Finnish educators’ perspectives. European Educational Research Journal.

Benjamin, S., Gearon, L., Kuusisto, A. & Koirikivi, P. 2021. Threshold of Adversity: Resilience and the Prevention of Extremism through Education. Nordic Studies in Education, 41(3), 2021, 201–218.

Kuusisto, A., Gearon, L., Benjamin, S. & Koirikivi, P. 2021. Re-conceptualizing Radicalisation: The Educational Research Context of Counter-Extremism through the Prism of Worldviews and Value Learning. In Aslan, E. & Hermansen, M. (eds.). Religious Diversity at School: Educating for New Pluralistic Contexts. Springer VS, Wiesbaden, 123-137.

Gearon, L., Kuusisto, A., Matemba, Y., Benjamin, S., Du Preez, P, Koirikivi, P. & Shimmonds, S. (eds.) 2020. Decolonising the Religious Education Curriculum: International Perspectives in Theory, Research, and Practice. British Journal of Religious Education, Special Issue, 43(1). Read the editorial here.

Benjamin, S., Koirikivi, P. & Kuusisto, A. 2020. Finnish upper secondary students' considerations of the role of educational institutions in the prevention of radicalization [in Finnish]. Kasvatus 51(4), 467–480. Read the abstract in English here.

Vallinkoski, K., Benjamin, S. & Koirikivi, P. 2020. REDI – The dimensions of dealing, with, preventing, and encountering violent radicalization and extremism in education. In Finnish National Agency for Education, Building resilience – In support of democracy education. Guides and manuals, 35–40.

Vallinkoski, K., Benjamin, S. & Koirikivi, P. 2020. Prevention of violent radicalization and extremism in the education sector. In Finnish Ministry of the Interior, National Action Plan for the Prevention of Violent Radicalisation and Extremism 2019-2023. Publications of the Finnish Ministry of the Interior 2020:3. p. 74-81.

Gearon, L. (ed.) 2019. The Routledge International Handbook of Universities, Security and Intelligence Studies. London: Routledge.

Benjamin, S., Niemi, P-M., Kuusisto, A. & Kallioniemi, A. 2019. Lasten ja nuorten katsomusten tutkimisen eettisiä kysymyksiä. In Rutanen, N. & Vehkalahti, K. Lasten ja nuorten tutkimuksen etiikka II: Tutkimuseettisestä sääntelystä elettyyn kohtaamiseen. Helsinki: Finnish Youth Research Society, 135–152.

Niemi, P-M., Kallioniemi, A., & Ghosh, R. 2019. Religion as a Human Right and a Security Threat—Investigating Young Adults’ Experiences of Religion in Finland. Religions, 10(1), 55; DOI:

Niemi, P-M., Benjamin, S., Kuusisto, A, & Gearon, L. 2018. How and Why Education Counters Ideological Extremism in Finland. Religions, 9(12), 420; doi:10.3390/rel9120420.


Raitanen, J. 2021. Deep interest in school shootings online. Academic dissertation, Tampere University.

Tiilikainen, M. & Mankkinen, T. 2020. Prevention of Violent Radicalization and Extremism in Finland: The Role of Religious Literacy. In T. Sakaranaho et al. (eds.), The Challenges of Religious Literacy. SpringerBriefs in Religious Studies.