Viikki Environmental Journal Club

Next gathering: TBA.

A monthly get-together and workshop to discuss a selected article on environmental soil science.

Microbial carbon cycling influenced by soil pH

November article: "Land use driven change in soil pH affects microbial carbon cycling processes" by Malik et al. (2018). Soil scientists consider pH as one of the master variables, that determine many soil processes. The article re-emphasizes this fact, with relevance to carbon cycling.

Thursday 28th of November 2019 starting at 12:15 in Biocenter 1 microbiology library room 3105

Determining soil particle size distribution

October article: "Is the Laser Diffraction Method Reliable for Soil Particle Size Distribution Analysis?" by Wang et al. (2019). The article compares the traditional sieve-pipette method of determining particle size distribution with the laser diffraction method. The subject may be of interest to soil scientists and to everyone else considering which method to use in determining soil texture.

Friday 25th of October 2019 at A-build­ing, Kokouskeskus room 166 start­ing at 13:15 till 14:00

Soil carbon and nitrogen levels across Europe

May article: "GEMAS: CNS concentrations and C/N ratios in European agricultural soil" by Matschullat et al (2018). The GEMAS project provides geochemical maps that help to identify regional patterns and support land management, policy making as well as identifying processes that control the distribution of individual elements such as carbon and nitrogen.

Wednesday 29th of May 2019 at A-build­ing, Kokouskeskus room 166 start­ing at 13:15 till 14:00

Humus – The conflict over soil organic carbon

April article: "An appreciation of the contribution of Frank Stevenson to the advancement of studies of soil organic matter and humic substances" by Hayes & Swift (2018). Continuing the discussion of the current understanding of soil organic carbon. Recommended further reading include:

Fri­day 26.4.2019 at A-build­ing, Kokouskeskus room 166 start­ing at 13:15 till 14:00

Soil protein extraction in determining available organic nitrogen

March article: "Soil Protein as a Rapid Soil Health Indicator of Potentially Available Organic Nitrogen" by Hurisso et al. (2018). A rapid method for determining the availability of organic nitrogen is presented, which may help in evaluating soil fertility as well as the fertilization effect of organic amendments.

Friday 29.3.2019 at A-building, Kokouskeskus room 166 starting at 13:15 till 14:00

Amino sugars as indices of soil microbiology

February article: "Amino sugars as specific indices for fungal and bacterial residues in soil" by Joergensen (2018). The article provides a foundation for conversation and in addition, Mr. Peltokangas will provide some personal insights from his research visit to the University of Bonn, Germany.

Friday 22.2.2019 at Infocenter room 136 starting at 13:15

Fractioning phosphorus from environmental samples

January article: "Sequential extraction procedures for the determination of phosphorus forms in sediment" by Wang et al. (2013). The article provides foundation for wider discussion on phosphorus fractionation.

Friday 18.1.2019 at Infocenter room 136 starting at 13:15