
JustDe project activities combine scientific and popular publications, seminars and workshops for scientific audiences and key stakeholders, public talks, and close collaboration with other research projects related to the topic, e.

g. BEMINE. We started with a Kick-off seminar in November 2018 with more than 50 key stakeholders to discuss JustDe starting points and goals.


N.b. Due to the ongoing pandemic, all physical JustDe events that were planned for the coming spring are by necessity postponed.

JustDe Reference Group meeting 9.6 2020. The meeting was conducted as a virtual meeting.

Yhtä jalkaa -työpaja in Helsinki 29.10 2019 (collaboration)

JustDe stakeholder seminar in Helsinki 1.10 2019

Pia Bäcklund, Tomas Hanell & Johanna Tuomisaari: Kyselytutkimuksen ensimmäiset tulokset: