
Sufficient and suitably timed sleep is the corner stone for health.

Results gained from this multinational project clearly show that various sleep problems and sleep disorders have increased alarmingly during the COVID-19 pandemic. Social confinement, physiological-, socioeconomic- and psychological factors are related to the increase. Poor sleep and disturbed circadian rhythms do not only predispose to deteriorated health but are also usually the first symptoms as our wellbeing is compromised.

2021 Survey

The objective of the 2nd survey is to document the prevalence and incidence of sleep and circadian rhythm disorders/symptoms and daytime fatigue in relation to pandemic and COVID-19 infection and to analyze which health and wellbeing factors associate with different COVID-19 infection severity levels, such as long-term COVID-19 symptoms (LongCOVID).

Target sample: We invited participants who have turned 18-years of age to answer the survey online ANONYMOUSLY regardless whether 1) they have not had COVID-19 infection, 2) have had COVID-19 infection but have not shown symptoms, 3) have had COVID-19 infection and had either mild or severe disease or 4) suffer from long-term COVID-19 symptoms.

Survey: The survey consisted questions on sociodemographic, symptoms of COVID-19, typical sleep schedules before and during COVID-19, symptoms of various sleep wake disorders, psychological symptoms/disorders, and quality of life. The survey was composed of questions taken directly from existing and validated questionnaires, as well as questions that were developed for the purpose of this study including questions related to infection, its severity and intensive care stay. Survey does not involve disclosure of personally identifiable information

Timetable: Survey was answered online during May to December 2021.

Participating Countries (in alphabetical order): Austria, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada (English- and French-speaking), China (Hong Kong), Croatia, Finland, Germany, France, Israel, Italy, Japan, Norway, Portugal, Sweden and United States.

2020 Survey

In the 1st ICOSS survey, realized in May – August 2020, impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on sleep and circadian (24-hour) rhythms in adults was evaluated. In total, 25,484 people participated from the following countries (in alphabetical order): Austria, Brazil, Canada (English- and French-), China (JinLin and Hong Kong), Finland, Germany, France, Italy, Japan, Norway, Poland, Sweden, United Kingdom and United States. First survey focused on examining the effects of social confinement, socioeconomic -, psychological – and health factors on changes in sleep problems and circadian rhythm amid the COVID-19 pandemic as compared to before the pandemic.