Doctoral theses completed at the Faculty of Law in 2019

In 2019, a total of 12 public examinations were held at the Faculty of Law.

According to Taina Pihlajarinne, vice-dean in charge of research, the thesis topics reflect the broad-based nature of the Faculty’s research activities.

“The works also clearly demonstrate that the majority of theses are nowadays written in English,” she adds.

Doctoral graduates at the Faculty of Law in 2019:

Kolehmainen, Esa: Tulkintateorian saaristossa

Makhija, Sonal Amar: Nothing Happens Everyday: An Ethnograpghic Study of Everyday of Law in a Lower Courtroom in Mumbai

Linnanmäki, Kirsikka: Lapsen etu huoltoriidan tuomioistuinsovittelussa - Lapsioikeutta, sovitteluteorioita ja empiriaa yhdistävä tutkimus

Hokkanen, Marja: Derivatives and European VAT System

Noparast, Zahra: The UN Peacekeeping Operations: Legal Aspects

Tuura, Heini: The Ambivalence of Armed Intervention by Invitation: Caught Between Sovereign and Global Interests

Salonen, Antti: Transnational Law of the Over-the-Counter Derivatives Markets - A Study on the Interactions between Finance and Law

Wasastjerna, Maria: Competition, Data and Privacy in the Digital Age: Testing Conventional Boundaries and Expanding Horizons - Towards A Privacy Dimension in Competition Policy?

Saaripuu, Tuire: Vahingonkorvausvastuun määräytyminen luonnollisen henkilön sähköisen identiteetin tunnistus- ja allekirjoituspalveluissa

Engelberg, Matti: Yhtiöoikeudellinen uudelleenjärjestelymenettely - Suoja hold-out -position väärinkäyttöä vastaan yhtiön velkaan tai osakkeeseen perustuvan yhteisen taloudellisen intressin turvaamiseksi

Scherleitner, Moritz: Legislative Action against Tax Arbitrage with Hybrid Financial Instruments - A Multidisciplinary Study of Selected Approaches and a Proposal of Guidelines for Developed and Developing Countries

Talus, Anu: From Simply Sharing the Cage to Living Together. Reconciling the right of public access to documents with the protection of personal data