Publishing and Paratext in the Medieval and Early Modern Periods

Colloquium at the University of Helsinki, 11 and 12 June 2018. Venue: Metsätalo (Unioninkatu 40), 3rd floor, sali 11 (B310). Admission is free.

Monday 11 June

10:00–10:15 - Welcome

  • Samu Niskanen & Matti Peikola

10:15–11:15 - Keynote 1

  • Benjamin Pohl (Bristol), Working copy or published version? Revisiting the earliest manuscript(s) of Eadmer of Canterbury's Historia novorum in Anglia

11:30–13:00 - Session 1

  • Jesse Keskiaho (Helsinki), Framing Augustine's text with annotation in the Early Middle Ages
  • Samu Niskanen (Helsinki), Publishing under papal auspices
  • Jaakko Tahkokallio (Helsinki), Robert of Gloucester's patronage and the early distribution of Geoffrey of Monmouth’s De gestis Britonum in the light of the manuscript evidence

14:15–15:45 - Session 2

  • Jakub Kujawinski (Helsinki), A publishing friar. Intended readers and the primary audiences for works of Nicholas Trevet (c. 1258 – c. 1334)
  • Lauri Leinonen (Helsinki), Database of medieval publishing networks: preliminary remarks
  • Sanna Supponen (Helsinki), Reconstructing lost contents on the evidence of paratext: Alphabetum disticcionum of Master Mathias of Sweden

Tuesday 12 June

10:15–11:15 - Keynote 2

  • Leah Tether (Bristol): The ‘Un-publication’ of Middle English Romance in Early-Modern England

11:30–13:00 - Session 3

  • Mari-Liisa Varila (Turku): Compilers as text-producers in English printed paratexts 1500–1550
  • Aino Liira & Sirkku Ruokkeinen (Turku): Metadiscursive comments on translation in English front matter, 1400–1600
  • Matti Peikola (Turku): Paratextual frames for reading/using Middle English biblical manuscripts

14:15–14:45 - Open discussion

  • Conclusions and perspectives, a discussion chaired by Alderik Blom (Marburg)

The colloquium is sponsored by the ERC project Medieval Publishing, the University of Helsinki, and the University of Turku.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 716538.