Two research reports published related to Criticla Digital Literacies and school education

The DETECT project advances understanding and support for teachers and schools about issues related to critical digital literacies. After two years' of work the project has now published two reports: The first report introduces the Critical Digital Literacies framework developed in the project, and the second report presents empirical results of schools' perceptions and experiences of critical digital literacies across four European countries.

DETECT (Developing Teacher's Critical Digital Literacies) is an EU funded project aiming at supporting schools and teachers in addressing issues concerning critical aspects of digital literacies. Researchers from the Technology in Education research group from the University of Helsinki are members of the consortium.  After two years of hard work, the project has now published two reports based on the research work conducted in the project. Both reports are openly available through Zenodo.

The first report introduced the Critical Digital Literacies framework that has been developed in the project based on a systematic literature review, expert panels as well as teacher workshops and interviews:

Gouseti, A., Bruni, I., Ilomäki, L., Lakkala, M., Mundy, D.,  Raffaghelli, J., Ranieri, M., Roffi, A., Romero, M. and Romeu, T. (2021a) Critical Digital Literacies framework for educators - DETECT project Report 1. 

The second report presents empirical results, based on surveys and focus group interviews, about the perceptions and experiences in European schools related to critical digital literacies:

Gouseti, A., Bruni, I., Ilomäki, L., Lakkala, M., Mundy, D., Raffaghelli, J., Ranieri, M., Roffi, A., Romero, M. and Romeu, T. (2021b). Schools’ perceptions and experiences of critical digital literacies across four European countries - DETECT Report 2.