Contact us

For research collaboration, please don't hesitate to contact us! The senior scientists will be happy to discuss research opportunities of joint interest. For administration matters you can contact the coordinator Hanna Partio.

Ra­di­ation - matter - in­ter­ac­tions plat­form

Senior scientists

Geo­met­ric mod­el­ling of materials

Plasma to space plat­form

Materials chemistry plat­form

Particle phys­ics with cos­mo­logy plat­form

Syn­thetic medi­cinal chemistry

Poly­mer science

Ion beam based ex­per­i­mental materials phys­ics

Thin films, Atomic Layer De­pos­ition and Atomic Layer Etch­ing

Phar­ma­ceut­ical Nanotechnology

Mathematical phys­ics, Found­a­tions of heat and en­ergy trans­port

Space plasma phys­ics and ap­plic­a­tion of infor­mation the­ory

Space science and phys­ical sciences

Materials in ex­treme en­vir­on­ments plat­form

Grav­it­a­tional wave cos­mo­logy