IT Security at the University

Information is the University’s most significant resource. Producing new research-based knowledge is one of the University’s core duties. In addition to producing knowledge, the University stores and shares many kinds of information for a wide range of needs, both within the University and in society.

Information processing requires IT technology, and the related services are provided to the University by the IT Center. Information security and data protection, however, are also shared responsibilities, to which every member of University staff and student community commits in their activities.

By following common rules, we can ensure together that the information of University staff and students remains safe.

Did you know?

The information security of University staff and students must be protected at all times. The University of Helsinki IT Security Test focuses on factors and procedures that matter in terms of information security. At the University of Helsinki, the annual short test is mandatory for staff members and degree students: the validity of the University user account is linked with passing the test. Other members of University staff and students can also take the test if they wish.

Every University staff member and student takes the University of Helsinki IT Security Test once a year as a reminder of good practices and current information security threats.
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