
MES Laboratory facilities are designed especially for high-throughput genotyping, Sanger sequencing and quantitative real time PCR applications.

We also offer good facilities for library preparation.

Capillary electrophoresis

ABI 3730 DNA analyzer can be used for capillary Sanger-sequencing and large scale genotyping of length polymorphisms (microsatellites) and single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP). Instrument is calibrated for DS-30 (in which NED commonly replaced by TAMRA), DS-33 and DS-02 (can be used with SNaPshot kit).  See details

Real-Time PCR

Our two Bio-Rad CFX384 qPCR- machines can be use for template quantitation, gene expression analyses and SNP screening using high resolution melt curve analysis. Supports SYBRgreen and probes, gradient PCR and 384-well plate format.

Multimode plate reader

The Enspire multimode plate reader is designed to meet the demands of multi-user research environments, providing flexibility for a range of applications. We have opted for the quad-monochromator with possibility to select wavelengths between 280-850nm with 0.1nm step. Plate reader can also be used to measure luminescence and fluorescence. All the measurements can be done at a specific temperature between +2C...+65C . Supports plate formats in range up to 384-wells.

Automated extraction instrument Chemagic 360

MES labs automated DNA/RNA extraction instrument, Chemagic 360, can be used for large variety of samples (plant and animal tissue, blood, saliva, stool, microbes, environmental samples etc.). MES Lab currently has kits for the plant and animal tissue extractions. Extraction method is based on magnetic beads technology. Used method is gentle and it ensures the isolation of long DNA fragments up to 200 kb.  You can extract 12 - 96 sample at one run. If you are interested, please contact coordinator Kirsi Kähkönen (kirsi.z.kahkonen@helsinki.fi).

Pipetting robot Biomek 4000

Our pipetting robot Jessica is ready to help you and pipet what ever you might need. We are currently using it to qPCR pipetting so there are ready made programs for this purpose. If you need any other programs Kirsi Kähkönen or Tuomas Puukko will program those to you. For futher information about its use you can get from Kirsi Kähkönen (kirsi.z.kahkonen@helsinki.fi) or Tuomas Puukko (tuomas.puukko@helsinki.fi)

DNA size selection

The Pippin Prep facilitates library construction for the most popular NGS platforms. It can be used for size selecting of sheared DNA or detect and capture of DNA bands. You can run up to 5 samples per run.

PCR cycling

MES Lab has 12 PCR machines: Bio-Rad S1000 and C1000 cyclers, MJR PTC-100, Applied Biosystems Verity and Eppendorf Mastercycler. Instruments support 96 and 384 well formats and gradient PCR.

Lab organisation

The main lab reserved for PCR-free work has 28 bench places. Most are allocated to facultys research groups based on their space requirements; however two benches are kept open for visiting researches and other short time need. No PCR product work or cycling is done in this space. Back rooms of the main lab are dedicated for nucleic acid extractions using harmful substances, other work including chemicals, and applications with radioactive labels. Nucleic acid and protein quantifications can be done with NanoDrop and Qubit.

The second largest PCR room has eight benches for working with PCR products and/or proteins. Back rooms of the space include facilities for agarose gel electrophoresis and imaging, bacterial cultivation for vector cloning purposes, and an air conditioned room for PCR cyclers and capillary electrophoresis. Capillary instrument is operated solely by lab’s own technicians.

Between the two main lab spaces are deep freezers for long term storage of delicate samples. Numerous conventional freezers and a cold room exist for normal or short term storage. Maintenance room includes autoclave and deionized water (Milli-Q) instrument.