Open Science workshops of the DHN2018

Date: March 9, 2018

Workshop venue: Yliopistonkatu 4, Tiedekulma

Main venue: Yliopistonkatu 3, Porthania

A series of Open Science workshops will be held on March 9, 2018 in Tiedekulma (Yliopistonkatu 4), University of Helsinki. The workshops are associated with the Digital Humanities in the Nordic Countries DHN2018 conference on March 7-9, 2018, organised by HELDIG – the Helsinki Centre for Digital Humanities at the University of Helsinki, the Faculty of Arts.

The Open Science workshops are open for all, and do not require participation in the main event. Link to Open Science workshop registration form (preferred but not mandatory):

To register to the DHN2018 main conference, see the main conference page at

Open Science Workshop Program

09:00–10:30 Digital Humanities and Technological Utopianism (main venue)

Keynote by Caroline Bassett. Prof. Of Media And Communications. University of Sussex.

The keynote will be streamed:

10:30–11:00 Coffee & Fruit (main venue)

11:00–12:30 FAIRDATA: Managing, publishing and citing research data (Tiedekulma)

Convener: Jessica Parland-von Essen, CSC & Open Knowledge Finland

Sharing research data is an essential part of open science and considered important for replication purposes and validation of results. But opening and citing data also comes with some pitfalls and might be tricky. Research data is often dynamic and this creates challenges for version handling and citation. There are recommendations for citing evolving datasets, as well as guidelines for publishing static datasets with a DOI. But is there a third type of research data? Data is not always a result of some specific research question. It can be high quality generic data product with a high value in reuse for instance as an output of a research driven digitisation project. Come and discuss the practicalities of working with FAIR data. Presentation slides

12:30–13:30 Lunch (in the surroundings; own cost)

13:30–15:30 Avoimen tieteen antologia -työpaja / Open science anthology workshop (in English or Finnish; Tiedekulma)

Convener: Heidi Laine, University of Helsinki

Workshops language will be determined on based on participants preferred language.

Mitä on avoin tiede? Kysymykseen on hämmästyttävän vaikeaa vastata, varsinkin huomioiden kuinka paljon avoimesta tieteestä on viime vuosina kirjoitettu ja keskusteltu. Tästä havainnosta nousi ajatus kirjoittaa avoimesta tieteestä suomalaiselle tiedeyhteisölle suunnattu artikkelikokoelma, jossa käsiteltäisiin selkeästi ja havainnollisesti ilmiön eri ulottuvuuksia: sen historiaa, sen puolustajia ja vastustajia, sen ilmentymiä sekä juhlapuheissa että käytännössä sekä tietysti sen tulevaisuutta. Kirjan toimittajat Heidi Laine ja Leo Lahti kutsuvat kaikki avoimesta tieteestä kiinnostuneet ja hämmentyneet pohtimaan tulevan artikkelikokoelman aiheita ja käsittelytapoja.

Open science might be the most persistent and widely used buzzwords among the research community during the ongoing decade. Still many find it hard to define what open science actually means. We want to tackle this ambiguity with an anthology, that skips the policy jargon and cuts right to the core of open science, its history, its lovers and haters, its theory and practice, as well as its future. Anthology editors Heidi Laine and Leo Lahti invite everyone interested and/or baffled by open science to join in the discussion about topics and viewpoints for the books articles.

15:30–16:00 Coffee & Snacks (main venue)

16:00–17:30 Redefining peer review: alternative methods of evaluation in publishing (Tiedekulma)

Convener: Edit Gorogh, University of Göttingen

Emerging alternative peer review methods move away from the traditional closed review processes towards a more open methodologies with varying degrees of openness in identity, documentation, participation, and time. New tools incorporate basic principles of open science by employing open, collaborative and network-based publishing and review methodologies. The analysis of peer review methods is currently conducted in the OpenUp project ( which maps the current scholarly environment the underlying processes, contributing to a more democratic, transparent and community-based knowledge discovery and dissemination of scholarly output. This workshop has multiple purposes including assessing existing and evolving methods and functions of alternative peer review, and discussing several aspect of the data lifecycle, such as data management planning, legal issues relating to privacy and copyright, and how peer review can be added to data publishing, Group discussions will also touch upon sustainability, long-term availability of alternative review tools, and their uptake by researchers, and the incorporation of these methods into institutional, national, funders’ and publishers’ policies. The workshop will include an introductory presentation and facilitated group discussions on the changing role of stakeholders, transparency of the review process, incentives to review, acknowledgement of review work, and training to review.

17:30–onward Closing party of the DHN2018 (Tiedekulma)