
NECTAR 2019 conference is now successfully over! Here you can find some post-conference materials

Abstract book:

Keynote & Panel discussion:

Recording of Tim Schwanen's keynote talk and the panel discussion:

Conference team:

From left: Christoph Fink (conference program leaflet design, photos, on-site support), Tuomas Väisänen (Boat trip, on-site support), Vuokko Heikinheimo (registration, on-site support), Anna Ahlgren (abstract book, on-site support), Kerli Müürisepp (abstract book, on-site support), Mikael Asikainen (hand-drawn maps, on-site support), Tuuli Toivonen (Chair of the local organization committee), Henrikki Tenkanen (scientific program, boat trip), Olle Järv (scientific program, site visit), Elias Willberg (Conference secreatariat), Karst Geurs (Chair of NECTAR)

Not in the photo Linda Karjalainen (registration and on-site support), Milos Mladenovic (Scientific prograem, ASTRA summer school), Annina Ala-Outinen (City of Helsinki contact), Aleksi Rautio (registration), Joel Jalkanen (site visit)