
The thematic sessions of the meeting are

Role of land use and management on land carbon sink and ocean-land-continuum

We invite contributions broadly aimed at solutions, management options or developments to improve land ecosystem and soil carbon sequestration and reduce emissions from land use. We also invite presentations on methods to reliably measure and monitor land-use changes. The topic includes the quantification of secondary effects of land use changes, e.g. impacts on land-ocean continuum or on biophysical or biogeochemical trade-offs and co-benefits.

The way forward: novel methods and applications

To continue delivering high-quality data of greenhouse gases and their fluxes, the ICOS stations and network need to continually improve, adapt existing, and adopt new methods and technologies. Here we seek contributions focused on the use of new instrumentation in support of  existing ICOS measurements from all domains. This could be prototypes or new, commercially available instruments, or use of unconventional techniques. In addition, we seek contributions focusing on novel ways to process and interpret data, including applications of e.g. machine learning techniques and innovative combinations of data from multiple domains.

Use and applications of ICOS data: a broad perspective

This session will focus on the use of in situ greenhouse gas measurements (e.g. ICOS data) in global datasets and data-driven methods like inversions. We welcome presentations on how  ICOS data and data products are used in research and possible broader applications such as management practises. For example, have you used services provided by ICOS Carbon Portal such as Jupyter notebooks in collaborative analyses of scientific data? We invite abstracts which provide a comprehensive perspective on the current and future applications of ICOS data.

Extreme events and impact on carbon cycle

We are looking for contributions bringing insight on the impact of extreme events on the carbon cycle. Extreme events can in this case be both large-scale (e.g., the 2018 drought, the 2019-2020 warm winter) and small-scale (e.g., extreme winds, droughts, floods). We also invite contributions on the effect of the Covid-19 pandemic and subsequent lock-down(s) on the carbon cycle, including human emissions. Work that cross or integrate the Earth system domains (atmosphere, land, ocean) is particularly encouraged.

Non-CO2 greenhouse gases

Non-CO2 greenhouse gases include many substances: methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O), fluorocarbons (CFCs, HFCs, SF6, etc.), and indirectly carbon monoxide (CO) and many other volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Reducing non-CO2 greenhouse gas emissions is often more cost-effective than reducing CO2 emissions. Conversely changes in non-CO2 GHG can reduce the effectiveness of planned measures to combat climate change by increasing the overall need for abatement. We are particularly interested in new measurement technologies/ techniques for non-CO2 GHGs, important developments in trends related to emission/ levels of non-CO2 GHG in the environment, and non-CO2 GHG links to other climate forcers.