Structure, content and courses

The scope of the Master's Programme in Computer Science is 120 credits divided into core courses, study track specific courses and other courses. It is possible to complete the degree in two years, in accordance with an approved personal study plan.

The study tracks in the Master’s Programme in Computer Science are Algorithms, Networks, and Software. Students can select any of these tracks according to their preferences at the beginning of studies. The study track determines, which courses the students should take.


Programme structure

The Master’s programme comprises 120 credits, which can be completed in two years, in accordance with an approved personal study plan. The degree includes:

  • 80 credits of advanced courses, including
    • Shared courses within the programme
    • Courses within the programme which support the thesis topic
    • Master’s thesis, 30 credits
  • 40 credits of other courses from your own or other programmes
    • The other courses can include a work-orientation period

You can find a more detailed degree structure on the Instructions for students website. The syllabus on the same website helps in planning your own study schedule. Make sure that you have selected the correct programme in the drop-down menu.

The whole degree structure including all courses is in Sisu, the online planning system for students at the University of Helsinki. Courses and seminars organised in the on-going academic year can be found in the teaching program page.

Core courses
  • Design and Analysis of Algorithms
  • Distributed Systems
  • Big Data platforms
  • Introduction to Machine Learning
  • Networking Technologies
  • Software Architectures
Algorithms study track

Within the Algorithms study track, you will study effective algorithms and their application within other disciplines and in corporate life. Future IT systems will contain more and more intelligent components, the function of which will be based on complex mathematical models created automatically with the aid of machine-learning methods.  The problems to be solved are computationally challenging, and the ever-increasing amounts of data create their own challenge when it comes to the efficiency of the algorithms needed.

The courses in this study track are mathematically oriented. To succeed in this study track, it is recommended to include overall 60 cr of mathematics in Bachelor's and Master's degree. Basics of discrete mathematics, logics, linear algebra, and probability theory and statistics included in Bachelor degree should give a sufficient background, and more advanced topics can be included in the Master's degree. Check the prerequisites of courses in this study track for specific advanced math topics that are especially useful for your study path

Networks study track

The Networks study track educates you to become an expert and strategic leader in the design and management of new global infrastructures. The infrastructures include Internet technologies in fixed networks and mobile environments, as well as the information and service networks built on top of them. Focus areas include the theory, data security, and trust within distributed systems, interactive systems, and the adaptability of services in a changing environment.

Software study track

Software is everywhere. It is the medium that integrates everything else together, from electronic devices to artificial intelligence. Software is in itself also a source of innovation that brings the ever increasing power of computers and networks as new and exciting applications and services to our daily life. In addition to technical challenges, the creation of software and software products involves many human aspects, like understanding the true needs of those who will use the products as well as organizing and conducting the development work in a sustainable and productive manner. In the Software study track, you can pick the topics that interest you from a range of offerings that deal with the technical and the human side of creating software.

De­gree Work and Aca­demic Skills
Other studies

In addition to the above courses, you can include other courses in your degree as well, for up to 40 credits.